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Integrate your site with dotbrand’s AI-driven, automated survey system streamlined for designers.

Designers can now effortlessly connect their Webflow sites to dotbrand using this dotbrand-certified app — streamlining the process of gathering potential clients' information and offering design suggestions in mere seconds.

Embed dotbrand's forms

With the ability to embed dotbrand's forms directly within the Webflow Designer, the process is seamless. Simply select the desired dotbrand form from the dropdown menu, and preview it just as you would with a native Webflow form.

Know your clients through images, design, and color selections

Setting itself apart from other form applications, dotbrand is tailored specifically for designers. It leverages an extensive array of images, designs, and color options to accurately capture your clients' preferences, ensuring their desires are understood without any miscommunication.

Generate design suggestions in seconds through AI

We understand that igniting creativity at the outset of a project can be time-consuming. With dotbrand, as soon as your potential clients complete the survey form, you’ll receive personalized design and business suggestions in seconds, facilitating a quicker start to your creative process.

Getting started is easy:

  1. Install App to the Webflow Site or Workspace of your choice
  2. Connect to the desired dotbrand account
  3. Once you’re back in the Webflow Designer, simply launch the dotbrand App from the Apps panel and start building!

Try out this tool!

Click the button below to visit the website and get started.

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